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The Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris has provided the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA) with an updated Statement of Expectations (the Statement).

The NSW Government last issued Ministerial Directions to ILGA in 2016.

Since then, there have been several changes. Following the establishment of the NSW Independent Casino Commission (NICC) and the transfer of ILGA’s casino-related functions to the NICC, ILGA and the NICC became independent staff agencies.

The new Statement outlines the Minister’s expectations in relation to the purpose, functions and role of ILGA as an administrative decision-maker for the liquor and gaming-related industry in NSW.

It emphasises the independent role of ILGA in making case-by-case regulatory decisions to achieve the objectives of the legislation.

The Statement describes how ILGA and the Hospitality and Racing Group in the NSW Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport (DCITHS) complement each other to regulate the liquor and gaming industry in NSW.

It also sets out key performance indicators which underscore the importance of timeliness in ILGA’s decision-making process.

Find the Statement below.

The Minister’s expectations in relation to our purpose, functions and role as an administrative decision-maker for the liquor and gaming-related industry in NSW.

Guidelines we follow when making decisions.

Pecuniary and conflict of interest disclosures register for ILGA board members.

Our Charter supports the effective governance and operations of ILGA in line with its regulatory objectives and statutory functions.

This policy outlines the values, principles and standards of behaviour expected of Authority members and staff members of the Office of the ILGA.

A number of routine licensing functions are delegated to senior staff in Liquor & Gaming NSW.


The NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority is a public authority covered by the NSW Ombudsman scheme. The NSW Ombudsman is an independent integrity agency that pursues fairness for the people of NSW. It strives to ensure that those entrusted with public power and resources fulfil their responsibilities and treat everyone fairly. 


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