ILGA amended Guidelines 3, 6 and 9 to reflect updates to legislation, case law, research and the Authority’s processes and procedures.
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Media Release
The NSW Government has made appointments to the board of ILGA, including a deputy chairperson and two new members.

Media Release
ILGA is travelling to Moree to gain a stronger understanding of issues in northwest NSW as part of its Regional Engagement Strategy.

ILGA has decided to revoke the CIA in the Precincts. Accordingly, ILGA will also revoke its Guideline 18.

Media Release
ILGA is travelling to Orange this week to gain a stronger understanding of issues in the region as part of its Regional Engagement Strategy.

The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) launched its new website this month.

The NSW Government has appointed Chris Honey as a new member of the board of ILGA.

Media Release
ILGA is travelling to Griffith to gain a stronger understanding of issues in the Riverina as part of its Regional Engagement Strategy.

The NSW Court of Appeal has handed down its decision in the matter of ILGA v 4 Boys (NSW) Pty Ltd.

Media Release
As evidence grows of the correlation between late-night gaming and gaming-related harm, ILGA has revised Guideline 16.

Media Release
The NSW Court of Appeal has found in favour of ILGA in its case against Whitebull HTL Pty Ltd, Area Hotel and The Griffith Hotel Pty Ltd.

Media Release
ILGA will visit the Newcastle region to gain better insights into regional issues as part of its Regional Engagement Strategy.